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Beyond Jealousy

Conquering Jealousy in consensual non-monogamy

Get out of your own way so you can experience love, inner peace, compersion, and security in your open relationships.

That sensation of the floor dropping out from under you, the world spinning around you, your vision closing in tightly and going dark as jealousy gets its grip on you. Adrenaline starts flooding your body in preparation to save you from imminent death and you feel like your whole world is crumbling around you.

The primal system that is designed to keep you alive when a predator is chasing you or your children are in danger doesn't know the difference between a lion chasing you and seeing your partner kiss another person. It all feels like a threat to your immediate safety and your survival instincts kick into gear. This is perfect if you are actually being chased by a lion, but not so wonderful when you are trying to navigate jealousy in your relationship.

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Let’s dive deep into the jealousy and insecurities that are keeping you awake at night, making your head spin so you can’t focus at work, and no matter how hard you try you can’t enjoy your time with your partner without some issue popping up.

You want to feel loved, desired, and at peace instead of mistrusting, doubtful, and suspicious.

You’re in a tough spot, battling against jealousy, constant comparison, guilt, and worry.

It's overwhelming, and it feels like there's a huge gap between where you are now and where you want to be - a place of freedom, excitement, and fulfillment.

But here's the thing: bridging that gap is possible

and it starts with cultivating a trusting relationship with yourself.

Imagine how delicious it would feel to truly believe in yourself, to trust your decisions, and to have faith in your own abilities. This kind of self-love and self-trust can bring about deep, deep healing at the root of your issues.

And when you heal, when you free yourself from those heavy burdens, you'll find that your mental bandwidth expands.

Suddenly, there's space for all the beautiful experiences and opportunities that life has to offer.

You can chase your dreams with clarity and confidence, without the weight of comparison or guilt holding you back.

Working through your jealousy gives you the opportunity to see what you need and desire and shines a light on the pathway to manifest your best life.

In 12 weeks I’m walking you through the exact tools I used to go from crying every single day because I felt like my life was falling apart and my mind was spinning out of control to having three loving partners and a handful of sexy admirers, a successful business, and happy kids.

An intensive deep dive into your jealousy and insecurities so that you can sleep at night, focus at work, enjoy your time with your partner, feel loved and desired instead of suspicious, doubtful, and mistrusting.

Jealousy isn't the real problem, it's just an emotion.

Similar to happiness, sadness, anger, joy,'s an emotion we feel in response to stimuli. But it's been given a bad rap because it's super uncomfortable and people often behave terribly because of that discomfort. Plus there's mountains of media telling you that if you aren’t jealous then you aren’t in love and that’s BS!

Jealousy is an emotion, like all other emotions, it will pass and when it does then you can dig into what's behind it. But while you are in the center of it, accept it and give it room to move through your body without taking any actions that you'll have to clean up later.

This is exactly what I help my 1:1 clients do inside Beyond Jealousy: Conquering Jealousy in Consensual Non-Monogamy, my 8-week intensive that teaches you how to get out of your own way so you can experience love, inner peace, compersion, and security in your open relationships. One on one coaching combined with daily text/voice messaging support will give you the tools and healing you need to move out of the jealous meltdowns so that you can feel the love again.

Every giant step forward I've made in my relationships is not because of some magical bean (or book) that solved all my issues. It's when I made the mental decision (not from fear) that I was getting what I wanted, and I would not suffer any longer.

In this 8-week intensive coaching program you'll learn...


How to figure out specifically where your jealousy stems from what tools you need to overcome it once and for all so that you can feel so much peace, security, and get that sexy connection back.

How to befriend your emotions so that they aren’t overwhelming you and you can stop the internal struggle that is keeping you spinning your wheels with the same arguments and fights. When you can recognize, name, and quickly work through your feelings you can get to the other side where there is more love, more connection, more joy, more sexiness, and more freedom for you and your partners.

How to get clear about your boundaries and ACTUALLY uphold them so that you can quickly and easily know if your jealousy is showing you a red flag or if it is your cute little brain trying to sabotage you.

How to REALLY communicate clearly in your relationship so that you can stop fighting over the same things and come together completely connected and in tune with each other.

My secret mindset strategies that increase your sense of worthiness and personal value, making you so irresistible that partners will start chasing after you instead of you settling for less than you deserve or chasing after someone who isn't truly valuing you. You'll know your worth and won't settle for anything less.

Plus, you'll be given recorded audio meditations, breathwork, and journaling prompts so that you can get the fastest results possible with PROVEN tools that have helped myself and my clients have the sexy ENM relationships they fantasize about.


Here’s everything you’ll get when you sign up:


9 private (one on one) 50 minute coaching calls with me for deep healing on your exact jealousy challenges.

  • Session 1 - Beyond the Surface: Clarifying Your Relationship Path, Identifying Your Vision, Priorities, and Goals

  • Session 2 - Deconstructing Jealousy: Understanding its Triggers and Origins

  • Session 3 - Healing the Roots of Jealousy: Introducing Inner Child Healing in Relationships

  • Session 4 - From Doubt to Self-Trust: Cultivating Trust in Yourself

  • Session 5 - Finding Peace Within: Using Mindfulness & Breathwork to Soothe Anxiety and Cultivate Emotional Balance

  • Session 6 - Rising Above: Developing Resilience and Coping Skills for Emotional Well-Being

  • Session 7 - Thriving Through Jealousy: Creating a Compassionate Self-Care Practice and Tool Kit

  • Session 8 - Building Trust through Boundaries: Exploring Your Values, Limits, and Consent in Non-Monogamous Connections

  • Session 9 - Shifting Perspectives, Celebrating Victories: Cultivating an Empowered Mindset in Non-Monogamous Relationships


Access to daily text/voice messaging support. This gives you support whenever and wherever you need it. You can use it to ask questions, vent, get advice, process, and just have the knowledge that you aren’t alone.


Every fourth week is an Integration Week. Integration time is a crucial aspect of your journey towards navigating jealousy in your non-monogamous relationships. It offers you the necessary space to reflect, process, and internalize your experiences and emotions. Just like puzzle pieces, integration time allows you to piece together the complexities of jealousy, understand its triggers, and explore healthy coping mechanisms. It's an opportunity to connect the dots, make sense of your thoughts and reactions, and integrate them into your unique relationship dynamics.

Without dedicated integration time, your efforts to manage jealousy may feel fragmented and overwhelming. Integration time provides you with a chance to honor your own pace, align your values and boundaries, and integrate your learnings into your life.


Learn how to stabilize your nervous system so that you can actually think clearly and logically instead of reacting to a whirlpool of feelings that leave you feeling like a crazy person.

You’ll figure out how to process what you are feeling and come to conclusions and make decisions that leave you feeling more connected with your partner in a healthy way.


Learn the skills and tools to help you distinguish between your genuine beliefs vs your social conditioning. And how to start unwinding the social conditioning that doesn’t match up with your genuine beliefs so that the jealousy starts getting smaller and smaller.

 If you're ready to make a change and find calm and happiness, then it's time to take action.

You deserve to feel at peace and to enjoy your life without constantly being consumed by jealousy.


Have More Questions? That’s cool! I ask tons.


Send me an email and ask away. I’ll get back to you ASAP!


Rather talk it out? That’s cool, let’s hop on a call.