Ellecia Paine

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The Sexiness of Communication Ep.11

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Today I am sharing Part 2 of an amazing conversation I had with Leanne and Greg Million. We continue our conversation with some really juicy sex tips, my enm playlist, and we also talk about how polyamory forces us to learn how to repair relationship ruptures in a way that most of us didn't learn in monogamous relationships. 

Leanne is a Relationship and Sexuality Coach, with an emphasis on those curious about or practicing poly/CNM, kink and alternative lifestyles. Greg is a relationship and empowerment coach specializing in helping others tap into the strength of their emotional life by supporting and guiding others on their journey of transformation into their most authentic, conscious, vulnerable and loving selves. Their coaching business, EMPOWERED NOW, is a safe space for the LGBTQ2IA+ community and people of all ethnicities, relationship structures and dynamics. 

πŸ’¨ TLDR;

  • 1:27- Becoming Non-Monogamous

  • 5:18- Rupture and Repair

  • 8:56- Polyamory as a Choice

  • 16:43- Transparency

  • 20:13- ENM and Culture

  • 27:30- The Sexiness of Clear Communication

  • 37:25- Know Yourself

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Want to connect with The Millions?

Website - gregmillion.com and leannemillion.com

IG - @gregmillion.lifecoach and @leannemillion

FB - Greg Million and Leanne Million

πŸ“š Books mentioned: 

🎡ENM Playlist on Spotify

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           - Website: https://www.elleciapaine.com/

           - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elleciapaine

           - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elleciapaine/


            - Host/Producer: Ellecia Paine. https://www.elleciapaine.com/

            - Editor/Producer: Danny Walters. 

About Us

Ellecia Paine is a non-monogamy relationship coach who helps people navigate ENM (enthusiastic non-monogamy), polyamory, open relating, swinging, kink, and life in general.

Listen in to the candid conversations that give you a peek into the inner lives of other non-monogamous folks. Hear how they've overcome challenges like jealousy, insecurity, and social scrutiny. And celebrate with them as they share all the reasons it's worth it to have relationships that don't fit in the box.

Do you feel like you could use some help with your relationships? 
Get on a free call with Ellecia to see how she can help you  move through the challenges of jealousy, fear, anxiety, and insecurities in a way that strengthens your relationships, deepens your trust, and communication, and leaves you feeling confident. 